Video Lights
Movie image requires continuous lighting. Continuous lighting differs from strobe lighting, which flashes on and off. Continuous lighting is a staple of the motion picture industry, and also works well in situations when a photographer needs to see how the finished product will look prior to taking the picture. Light sources range from basic indoor light fixtures to professional-grade lighting equipment.
Understanding Different Photography and Video Lighting Sources
Standard room lights are an easy and inexpensive light source. Both incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs can provide adequate photography lighting. For the best results, use only one type of bulb at a time. If using multiple bulbs, be sure they match in colour and light intensity.
When you want more options, more power, or both, studio lights meet the need. Energy-efficient fluorescent bulbs are cost effective and produce little heat, although they don't provide as much wattage as other bulb types. Tungsten bulbs offer superior power. The trade-off is that these lights get hotter, sometimes making them hard to work with. Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs consist of many small electronic lights. These LED video lights are inexpensive, long lasting, and maintain a cool temperature.
Using Constant Lighting
Continuous lighting is great for videographers and beginner photographers. For beginner photographers, continuous lighting offers a "what you see is what you get" scenario, making it easy to learn.
This type of setup works well for the seasoned photographer, too. Some people like to move away from the camera in order to view from a different angle or to reposition a subject or object. With a steady illumination source, you have the flexibility to do this without worrying about adjusting the light.