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Cokin EVO Circular Polariser Filter Kit (M-Size / P Series)


  • Filter Size: Cokin M Size (P Series)

Product code: 10565 (3611531500944)

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Cokin EVO Circular Polariser Filter Kit (M-Size / P Series)



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Product Details


  • Cokin EVO Circular Polariser 95mm
  • Cokin EVO Filter Holder (M-Size / P Series)

Cokin EVO Circular Polariser 95mm

  • Round screw-in filter, designed to fit EVO filter holder
  • Filter Material: Schott Optical Glass
  • 16 layer multicoating
  • High resolution and high light transmission
  • Rotates 360°

Increases the colour saturation of blue skies, removes the unwanted reflections from non-metallic surfaces such as glass, water, etc... Use at a right angle (90°) between the shooting axis and the position of the sun and turn the filter in the holder to adjust the polarising effect.


The first thing people discover they can do with their CIRCULAR POLARISER is darken the sky to create more impact and make the clouds more dramatic. While this is useful, you have to be exactly 90 degrees from the sun in order for the effect to work evenly across the whole sky. You’ll see instances where only one corner of your sky is darkened when you’re positioned at a different angle.

The next thing people learn they can do is eliminate reflections on water. I shoot a lot of water and the impact of being able to see past the reflection showing the rocks and detail below cannot be replicated in post production. This is a great way to use your CIRCULAR POLARISER and I use it for this all the time.

What you didn’t know a CIRCULAR POLARISER can do

Now, lets talk about something most articles don’t teach you about CIRCULAR POLARISERs. Light reflects off of all sorts of surfaces. Everything from rocks to leaves. If white light is reflecting off of the fall leaves or cobble stones at a beach, the original colour of the object is getting drowned out with the reflection. This obviously hurts the colour saturation and while you can always try to get that back in post, it doesn’t have the same natural feel of getting the colour right off the leaves themselves. So use a CIRCULAR POLARISER for colour saturation.

Contrast is also compromised significantly. It’s common for an un-polarized image to have the shadows masked by reflections. This shifts the histogram towards the highlights. So by eliminating the reflections, more shadow detail is allowed to come through. This also relates to colour saturation. In order for colour to be rich and full of body, you need black. So use a CIRCULAR POLARISER for image contrast.

The last thing you can do with your CIRCULAR POLARISER that you never thought of was boosting reflections. Sometimes when I’m shooting a body of water, like a lake, I may not want to see through the surface. Sometimes the water is calm and I want to capture the sky’s reflection on the water. In one CIRCULAR POLARISER position, the reflection gets minimized allowing the light from the bottom of the lake to come through. In the other position, the opposite is true. The light from the bottom of the lake gets filtered which actually enhances the reflection. If the conditions are right, the water’s surface can turn into a perfect mirror which has tremendous impact on the viewer.


Cokin EVO Filter Holder (M-Size / P Series)

  • Made from aluminium; sturdy, lightweight and modular design
  • Brass screws and nuts allow customising with one, two or three filter slots
  • Front plate can be added to hold 95mm Circular Polarising filter
  • EVO Carrying Case available separately
  • Custom designed gasket prevents light leaks when using Cokin NUANCES or similar ND filters

A modular filter-holder for demanding photographers: EVO is an evolution of the acclaimed CREATIVE Filter System and the result of Cokin's unrivalled experience in filter making.

The EVO filter-holder main plate is made of aluminium, making it both sturdy and light. Being Modular, it can hold up to 3 filters in highly flexible, but durable polyamide slots. A custom designed mask prevents light leaks when using Cokin NUANCES or similar filters dedicated to long exposure photography.

The included front plate also allows a Ø95mm EVO circular polarising filter (sold separately) to be attached. Designed to meet photographers’ expectations, EVO offers several configurations; by changing the number of slots (from one to three) or their thickness (up to 4mm), the EVO filter-holder is compatible with almost all Cokin CREATIVE adaptor rings and filters, so existing Cokin users can simply upgrade to the EVO filter-holder.

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